5 Tricks to Stay Motivated for Work in Sales
March 3, 2021 |
We all struggle at some point in our careers with our motivation levels. Maybe we are overworked and don’t feel like getting out of bed in the morning. Maybe we get to work and can’t find the energy to execute the way we used to. For some of us, this happens every day, and every day it’s a constant battle. Here, we’ve put together 5 simple tips, backed by research in the fields of performance psychology and industrial and organizational psychology that will help with your motivation to get to work and be productive while you’re there.
1. The Framing Effect
Studies show that writing down cues for ourselves around our workspace can reset our minds at work and give us a jolt of motivation. The cues should be oriented towards our goals. However, there’s a certain way we should do that. Say you’re a telecommunications sales rep trying to earn a specific amount of commission for the year. Try writing a note to yourself that reminds you what the commission is for. BUT, rather than writing, “hustle now so you don’t need to worry about your student debt once it kicks in.” We SHOULD write, “Hustle now so you can buy that house you’ve always wanted.” This is because our minds are more capable of envisioning the reality of a presence as opposed to the absence of something, i.e. having a house vs. lacking debt.
2. Self-Determination Theory
I’m sure many of us have heard of intrinsic and extrinsic motivation. If not, it’s motivating yourself versus being motivated by external factors. Yet, it’s amazing how often we find ourselves openly engaging in less impactful behavior, particularly at work. Self-Determination Theory suggests that intrinsic motivation will lead to a deeper level of commitment than extrinsic motivation. This means that at work if we are seeking the boss’ approval as a means of validation or a sense of accomplishment as opposed to doing it for ourselves, happiness will be short-lived along with commitment. For best results, you should internalize a behavior. For example, say to yourself, “I’m going to be the first person to the office because I’m a hard-working person,” as opposed to, “I’m going to be the first person to the office because the boss will think I’m a hard-working person.”
3. Breathing and Posture – No More Coffee!
This step may seem trivial but the way you sit and the way you breathe at work can have a major impact on your energy and motivation levels at the office. If it’s 2:00 PM and you feel yourself dragging along, go ahead and try what’s called a trigger breath. This is a quick expulsion of air until you can’t exhale any more, then close your mouth and begin breathing through your nose. Make sure you are breathing deep into your belly, well past your diaphragm. Any time you need to repeat the trigger, go ahead. It’s amazing how it wakes you up. Also, slouching your shoulders at work and leaning on your desk can drastically diminish your energy level. Keep your hips underneath you, pull your shoulders back and finish the job! You got this!
4. The Art of Taking a Break
There is extensive research that shows breaks boost productivity. Moreover, there are companies worldwide switching to 4-day work weeks and seeing an astronomical change in efficiency and growth. Although company policy is out of our control, we can control our day-to-day breaks. If you are provided a 1-hour lunch every day don’t just use it, but use it the right way. Studies show that we maximize our performance if we engage in relaxing activities during our breaks. For example, rather than going on your lunch break and responding to emails while you’re eating, try sitting in your car, closing your eyes, and belly-breathing for 10 minutes. Focus on your breath and don’t let distracting thoughts infiltrate your mind. The disengagement allows your mind to rest and come back stronger and more productive after your break.
5. Mastery Goals vs. Performance Goals
In the evaluation process of your own driving motivation, there are two forms of “success.” Let’s go back to the commission example. Let’s say you are a Business Development Rep for a tech company. For 3 months you haven’t hit your quota. You constantly are looking at your numbers at the end of the month but you keep feeling defeated. This is called a performance goal. You are evaluating success based on an outcome. Research shows that ultimately motivation AND success consistency are enhanced when we evaluate success based on what’s called a Mastery Goal. In this case, you would evaluate your success by asking, “Did I learn, and therefore improve as a BDR this month?” Yes, ultimately this may seem cheesy. But it’s hard to fight statistics that show this is a more effective mindset in the long run both for mental well-being as well as sales performance.
If you’d like to learn more, or you have questions/comments pertaining to this blog post feel free to reach out to us at info@lightwaverecruiting.com.